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Alternative Treatment Kuala Lumpur


What is ADHD?

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a long-term disorder caused by differences in brain development and brain activity. It is manifested by impulsive behavior, hyperactivity, and difficulty concentrating for a long period of time. This problem can affect the child's performance in school, behavior and in relationships.

There are 3 types of ADHD, which are:

  1. Hyperactive-impulsive: the individual has a more dominant hyperactive-impulsive problem
  2. Inattentive: the individual has trouble focusing more dominantly
  3. A combination of hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive: both dominant can be observed in the individual.

What are ADHD Symptoms?

  1. Difficulty focusing
  2. Easily distracted, forgetful, ignoring others, not following instructions, unable to complete work or school assignments, losing focus, having problems with order, and avoiding tasks that require prolonged attention.

  3. Hyperactivity
  4. Always seem excited, talk too much, have difficulty waiting their turn, can't sit still, stamp their hands or feet, are always restless, can't sit for long periods of time, like to run or climb in inappropriate situations, can't play quietly, have difficulty relaxing, often interrupting others, and always giving answers before the questions are finished.

  5. Impulsivity
  6. Risky behavior without thinking about the consequences of his actions.

The Tole's Way of Treatment for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

The Herbal Brain powder medicine and The Tole's neuro acupuncture treatment is a important part of the recovery for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

If you decide to seek a diagnosis of special kid's syndrome, you can come to THETOLE ACUPUNCTURE-HERBAL MEDICAL CENTRE SDN BHD. This is because THETOLE ACUPUNCTURE-HERBAL MEDICAL CENTRE SDN BHD is an autism treatment centre that very familiar with special kid's syndrome tests.